Winter Social Gathering

Winter Social Gathering

In Christchurch, New Zealand, Nepali expatriates gather together for a heartwarming winter Social Gathering. 

A Day of Community Bonding and Fun! On ЁЭЧЭЁЭШВЁЭЧ╣ЁЭШЖ ЁЭЯнЁЭЯпЁЭШБЁЭЧ╡, ЁЭШАЁЭШБЁЭЧоЁЭЧ┐ЁЭШБЁЭЧ╢ЁЭЧ╗ЁЭЧ┤ ЁЭЧоЁЭШБ ЁЭЯн:ЁЭЯмЁЭЯм ЁЭЧ╜ЁЭЧ║, ЁЭЩЙЁЭЩЙЁЭЩХЁЭЩБЁЭЩОЁЭШ╛ invites you at Riccarton High School invites to join our vibrant community for a heartwarming Winter Social Gathering